About the D-PATH FINAL CONFERENCE in Romania
Following the above link you will be able to read the full text press information, the Conference program and inputs of all speakers.
The conference was entitled D-PATH – EUROPEAN PARTNERSHIP ON DIABETES AND BEYOND and took place on June 7-9, 2023 at the County Heritage Centre of Braila. It concluded an Erasmus+ project and launched a five-year collaboration with partners from Braila, Constanta and Cluj, beside present Polish, Swedish and Greek partners.
The signing of the collaboration documents took place on the first day when participants celebrate 13 years collaboration of two friends and partners Magdalena Pardel-Trefler, president of FUNDACJA WYMIANY KULTUROWEJ TO TU TO TAM from Poland and Viorica Alexandru, president of the Association Senior Citizens' Initiative from Romania.
The speakers were invited to create a helpful picture for people with diabetes, educators and families by talking about: nursing education in Braila - Romania and Przemysl - Poland; the role of a family doctor in assisting diabetics and preventing this disease; diabetologist's tools in relation to people with diabetes; good practice examples of diabetes patient associations.
The conference included a first contact with the new learning tools developed By D-PATH for people with diabetes, their family members and educators.
The event had 3 components: day 1 when Romanian and Polish participants communicated their professional experience followed by Neil Bell from Sweden and Anastasia Gkrimoura from Greece testing the card game and Robotics-LEGO tools produced during the project with children, youth and adult guests; day 2 was dedicated to outdoor activities, contact with the food and landscapes in the Danube Delta; day 3 was dedicated to those who want to learn to cook and eat healthy with Maciej Kucharski, physician and diet educator from Poland and Mihail Balaban, culinary nutritionist from Braila, Romania, engaged in a cooking show for the guests at the event. The session was animated by the interaction exercise handled by Silvia Albu, personal development instructor from Braila, Romania.
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