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D-PATH Art Installation Workshop

Updated: Nov 5, 2023

by Viorica Alexandru , learning resources developer, Asociatia Initiativa Cetatenilor Seniori, Braila Romania

D-PATH supported D-CAMP for people with diabetes which took place in August 2022 at Przemysl , Poland. Its main goal was to raise awareness of participants about the challenges of diabetes. Asociatia Initiativa Cetetanelior Seniori decided to use their experience with awareness raising tool based on art installations .

Title : D-PATH Cube workshop Venue : indoor intro session and outdoor D-PATH CUBE making and installation session Target groups : children and youth Goal : art installation making by children and youth based on team work, sharing knowledge about diabetes,learning and using the link between knowledge, resources and the art installation . Animators : 2 staff with child and youth animation experience, with group management skills, capacity to describe the purpose of an art installation and the participants’ tasks as well as direct the activities towards the workshop purpose. Participants : 15 but not more than 20 youth and children. Duration : 3 hours Structure: 5 groups in 2 stages,1 hour and a half each

Resources for the art installation i.e. D-Path Cube :

· 5 cardboard squares 1x1m

· Glue, stitching device, stitching clips, 3-4 acrylic paint boxes, 3-4 brushes, 3-4 markers.

· Motivational, inspirational messages and/or significant images, as we as D-Path logo prints[1]

· Materials for collage making : plastic, rubber ribbons , paper, paper and board wastes ; glossy magazines showing food, fruit and vegetables, medicine packages and medical leaflets or brochures, medical posters and promos, physical activities and the likes.

Final outcome : a cube placed in a visible place, with collages on each face concerning food, medicine and physical education as well as a motivational quotation.

Suggested art installation location : a meadow/park where all outdoor camp activities are scheduled to take place. [2]

Work Description

Stage 1 is dedicated to preparations for art installation making .It includes : bringing in the resources; animators explain the basics of diabetes and animate experience exchange between participants, steps towards the art installation, studying the bits and pieces of materials and separating them into 3 groups: fruit and vegetables; medical prints and/or objects; clips on sports and wellness; participants split into 5 groups; each group selects one piece of square cardboard ; they prepare the paints and stitches, scissors and decorations and plan the image and collage they want to construct in relation with diabetes. They discuss and agree the motivational message in relation with diabetes. At the end of stage 1, there are 5 square cardboard pieces, 5 piles of bits and pieces, one motivational message agreed by all and 5 images planned.

Stage 2 is dedicated to creating the D-Path Cube .The groups of participants return to their work place. So there are 5 groups, each with one cardboard square and apile of bits and pieces for the collage. Each group will createthe collage under the supervision of the animator, paint and write where needed and as planned instage one. The 5 groups come together and join the [1]Inspirational messages to select from for the D-PATH Cube · Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow – Albert Einstein · Good food is wise medicine – Alison Levitt MD · No medicine but proper use of food, fresh air and exercise- Thomas Edison · Diabetes taught me discipline - Sonia Sotomayor. · "Good food is wise medicine."― Alison Levitt M.D. · Actually I can · Believe you can and you are halfway there Th Roosevelt · I may have diabetes but diabetes does not have me · One step at a time · If you fell yesterday , stand up today , Wells · A mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it is not open – Frank Zappa [2] Photos illustrating the process are uploaded on D-Path (@dpath2) • Instagram photos and videos

[1]Inspirational messages to select from for the D-PATH Cube

· Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow – Albert Einstein

· Good food is wise medicine – Alison Levitt MD

· No medicine but proper use of food, fresh air and exercise- Thomas Edison

· Diabetes taught me discipline - Sonia Sotomayor.

· "Good food is wise medicine."― Alison Levitt M.D.

· Actually I can

· Believe you can and you are halfway there Th Roosevelt

· I may have diabetes but diabetes does not have me

· One step at a time

· If you fell yesterday , stand up today , Wells

· A mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it is not open – Frank Zappa

[1] Photos illustrating the process are uploaded on D-Path (@dpath2) • Instagram photos and videos

5 cardboard squares to make the CUBE . They choose a place for the inspirational message. Thusthe D-Path cube is ready to install into a visible place as agreed with the venue owner or project coordinator. At the end of stage 2 a cube with the project logo, decorated with collages, paintings, a motivational message dominates the area where outdoor camp activities take place.

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