The Game was designed by Neil Bell , BMECTE, Sweden, a partner in the project . It was developed based on research carried out during the first phase of the project By Magdalena Pardel, tested with people with diabetes, family and educators during the camp taking place in Poland with support from D-CAMP, August 2022, with adjusted version tested in Romania during the Conference that took place 7-9 June 2023 at Braila.
It is a strategy game about diabetes. The objective of the game is to attend as many events as possible as someone with diabetes. You get to go around the game board and either attend events or collect cards depending on where you land. You can only validate an event by having the corresponding nutrition and insulin cards. In other words your must have enough insulin required for the number of carbohydrates for that particular nutrition card. If you are unable to match the recommended amount of insulin you receive a penalty point.
The Game consists of : a game board, player markers activity cards, nutrition cards, insulin cards, penalty markers, point markers, a dice. The Game Boards contain event spaces, activity spaces, spaces where you can pause without any repercussions. There are two spaces where you can collect activity and nutrition cards. The board also contains a square for staying at home and if you land here you must miss two turns.
For regulations and details follow the link to https://dpatherasmusplus.wixsite.com/home/dpathboardgame. For final info contact on access contact magdalenapardel@gmail.com